Wednesday, May 16, 2012

my feild day

My field day was good even though i got a little bit sun burned and gotten stung 1000 times by who knows what. The music was good in the beggining i was shuffling pretty good. I felt pretty proud of myself. Also the whle day I got to hang with some freinds which is hard to do in a normal school day.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

somthing i feel like posting

when im at home i think... I think allot and Ive noticed that many people, dont do things that they should. Like stealing and war.. those things make me wonder, everyone does it for a good cause and is that really all that matters.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

what i do now

this log is about what i do now when i get home from school!
1. stuff
3.more nothing drums for 2 hours
6 clean nothing again
8.go to sleep
9.turn on the music because i cant go to sleep
10. wake up late for the buss

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

what i miht be doing this month

Im going to go to Winchester farm which is a field for famous bands to perform. it is a 4 day long musical concert I am going their to go see skrillex and some other bands im not going to spend the full 4 days their. I am planning on bringing some friends. But im not going with my parents im going with my uncle if he has the time it is a couple hours away from clarksville but i don't mind and neither does my uncle.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Do not buy

The new i pad 3 has barley any new features save your money and wait for the ipa 4 this ipad is just a scam. the new i pad has only 3 new things.
1.stronger glass
2.4g network
3. more mega pixels which means better screen quality.
if you think about it its not much different than the i pad we have now. Also it is heaver than the i pad 2 way more expensive. so just keep the money till more changes happen.

my blog never ends

Top ten bands I like
9.rise against
8.nine inch nails
7.shine down
5.three days grace
4.30 seconds to mars veil brides
2.nickel back
1.linkin park

Monday, March 12, 2012

whay i do on weekdays

uh yah this is what I do on weekdays its not that great as what I do on Friday's
1. go to school
2. go home
3. chores, homework ect
4. if i have time i play my drums until my siblings come home
5. also if i have time i would go to one of my friends house
6. at six or seven o clock i eat dinner with my family then i go to bed.

my new boat

our new speed boat is really cool it is a 30 foot speed boat of a top speeds of 70 mph for a boat that is pretty fast for a boat. It has a v8 engine. we added a new speaker system and we cleaned it so it would be perfect. It holds a tank of 30 gallons for a running sink, bathroom and a shower. our old boat was around 15 to 20 feet but this new one stomps on that boat. Also it will hold our family well in our house we have 11 member including our 2 dogs.

Friday, March 9, 2012

what i do on fridays

this post is what I do on Fridays i will be going i number order.
(1) i get home and do my chores/homework if I have any.
(2) I play my drum set until my brother and sisters get home.
(3)Then I go get one of my friends and make videos for my YouTube channel.
(4)If my parents come home early enough we go 4 wheeling in the woods for about 3 hours.
(5)By now it would be dark and i would go to our theater room and watch a movie with the family.
That is what I do every Friday.
next time I will say what I do on the weekdays

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

my new drum set

About two months ago i got a new drum set a five piece sound percussion. It is very good for beginners and in a couple of month's I'm planning on getting a pearl drum set, witch cost around 1500 dollars. I am learning fast and planning ion continuing on until i cant play any more.

Friday, March 2, 2012

my new blog

This blog is about summer in Germany.
In the summers of Germany where mild whether it wasn't how usually. But my friend in the whole neighborhood would usually be at summer camp so im at my house all alone. so what i would do is grab 5 euro from the counter top and ride the local transportation witch about a mile down my street. so once i get my ticket i ride for 30 min until ii get to my army base. i go through he gate and i have to walk about another mile and then i go to my other friends house that live on base and i usually get lunch their. That is my afternoon plans for living in Germany.

Monday, February 13, 2012

the bloggey post i guess

this is about places I like to go for vacation, counting down from  5

(5).... Six flags its one of best amusement parks in the world.

(4).... Tropical islands water park, Also the worlds largest Indore forest/island with Europe's fastest water slide.

Ive never been to the next3 but i would like to go to them.

(3)....The Bahamas


(1).... Hawaii/ Ive never been to a tropical island/ this is a place I want to go.  

Friday, February 10, 2012

what i did in the past summer

last summer my friend nick had went to vacation for the whole summer in Washington. This was when i was still in Germany, me and him where the only american kids in the whole city and the German kids where all toddlers so he was the only person i would hang out with. but i was alone the whole summer so what i did most of the time was take the city bus by my self and go skate board to the army base where some of my friends are. So pretty much i spent my summer away from home with friends. Also the pool was walking distance away from the army base so i usually go swimming  every sunny day.

what i did in the past summer

last summer my friend nick had went to vacation for the whole summer in Washington. This was when i was still in Germany, me and him where the only american kids in the whole city and the German kids where all toddlers so he was the only person i would hang out with. but i was alone the whole summer so what i did most of the time was take the city bus by my self and go skate board to the army base where some of my friends are. So pretty much i spent my summer away from home with friends. Also the pool was walking distance away from the army base so i usually go swimming  every sunny day.

My pets and siblings

I have two pets one is a german Shepard husky mix, and his name is gunner. In my opinion he is the coolest type of dog to have. I have a second dog and she is a Spanish bull dog, her name is Ruby. Also I have 4 step brother and sister's. I have a brother named Ryan he is my younger brother. also the oldest sister but younger than me is Hailey. Also the twin sister's named Sammy and Tiffany. Also of course me i am the oldest child in the family.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

this is my super bowl blogg

This blog is about the super bowl and all of you know that the giants won. the patriots would have won but the player dropped the ball in the end zone and caused the patriots to lose the super bowl. The commercials where funny. my favorite one is when bridge-stone make a foot ball and when you throw it the football dodges all the players and goes to the person you want to pass it to.
a bloger bloggish blogger bloggy bog

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

blogg number 2/2 by aaron

Well ok you have witnessed my last blog nw you will witness my final I HATE blog!!!!!! I will make 10 counting down from least to greatest. Lets start?
#10 traffic it is a waste of time and my life.

#9 slow loading bars.

#8 really expensive food, they come in small portions.

#7 annoying sounds, like a high pitch Whine.

#6 ichy clothes can get irritating after a while clothes.

#5 muscle cramps, they can really ruin a day.

#4 EXHAUSTION after running everyone feels it and you can go longer if you don't.

#3 PAIN I think i can live life better without it.

 #2 Accidentally CRACKING an  iPod screen.

AND at numer one the thing i hate the most is.....

Having Any Sort Of FEAR like being scared of hights it can really scare people for me im scared of spiders!?!?!?!?!
that concludes my blog for this weak im Aaron and as always have a nice day.

Friday, January 27, 2012

bloggish blogger

Hello this is Aaron telling everyone about things I like. But today i decided to tell things I do not like. I know people wont agree with me but I do not like cats. They dont seem as playfull as dogs would be.
Also another thing I do not like is rain,some people like it i cant stand it. Another thing I don't like is crowded places and long lines. I hate how I keep getting older instead of getting younger. Another thing i hate is people who are rude for no reason. I also grew up around this but i just don't like it country music I am not a fan of it my whole entire family likes it but me. But one of the things i hate the most is annoying sounds. For instance constant coughing.

Well that concludes my blog for today I'm Aaron and as always have a nice day

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

awsome blog number 2

this is my 2nd awesome blog, part 2/2 of my favorite thing  1 music i really like rock and rap but my favorite band has both of those and that band is linkin park. 2. my favorite pets, I really like dogs they are play full. I have 2 dogs one names gunner and one named ruby. 3.I enjoy playing video games my favorite is rock band. 4 my favorite instrument is the drums I don't have a set but i will be getting one this weekend. 5. When i am board what id do to pass the time in my house is to go on YouTube it is my favorite website it makes me laugh every time i go to it. And that concludes my awesome blog, my name is Aaron and as always have a nice day

Friday, January 6, 2012

Aarons awsome blog

hello and welcome to Aaron's Awesome blog today we will be talking about things that a like.
One thing I like is going outside I enjoy the fresh air and I like the sun.
Another thing I like is pizza its not that amazing itself i like Italian pizza allot more than any other pizza.
Also i like friends when I am board I will always go to see my friends.
I also like to do extreme sports they are really fun.